2b. Mixed Pathway

Mixed pathway

Candidates may be able to demonstrate that they have gained the requisite KEY SKILLS required to be effective and to perform as a technology transfer professional by providing evidence of two or more of the following:

  • List of professional qualifications
    attained, or relevant courses attended that have assisted you to achieve the RTTP core competencies. The name of the training/ awarding body or bodies should be provided with enough detail about the course/qualification for the Panel to determine the relevance and level of the qualification. If you have undertaken RTTP accredited courses but have obtained fewer than 60 CE points, you may also include these in this list.
  • List of ‘deals or projects’ undertaken of appropriate size, quantity and quality in proportion to your length of service/ experience.
  • Description of leadership roles in KE/KT/TT including size and scope of teams/ initiatives you have managed.