Login FAQs

Login FAQs

Having problems logging in?  Here is some information which shows you how to resolve the most common login issues:

Login Page Doesn’t Do Anything

This can be caused by one of two issues:

  1. The confirmation login page is taking a long time to load. You can see the status of the page load at the bottom of your browser window e.g. “Loading ATTP…”. Simply wait a while and if nothing seems to happen after a minute or two, try refreshing the page. This should then display the confirmation page that you’re logged in.
  2. Caching issues can prevent a successful login. Any possible caching issue can be resolved by clearing your browser cache OR using Chrome Incognito or similar.

Password Incorrect

If you see the ‘password incorrect’ error message, you can reset your password here: reset password

pwd incorrect

Username Incorrect

You can log in with your username OR your email address. Therefore if you can’t remember your username simply use your email address.

Username Not Found

If you see this error message when trying to log in with your email address then maybe you registered with a different email address? Otherwise register for a new account: register new account

Still Can’t Log In?

Please contact us for assistance, sharing as much detail as possible e.g. any error messages you can see: contact us