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General Questions

Is the RTTP designation right for me?

The RTTP is for technologyexchange technologyknowledge/technology transfer practitioners. The designation is right for you if you desire professional recognition of your technology transfer career credentials, knowledge, skills, roles and accomplishments.

What is the benefit of RTTP status?

RTTP infers competence. The international RTTP designation signals to employers, colleagues and partners that you have demonstrated the core competencies necessary to work effectively in the field ofexchange technology/knowledge/technology transferand have sufficient experience to add significant value based on a recognized track record.

Is the RTTP a formal accreditation or certification?

No, for the simple reason that we do not carry out formal assessment (e.g. examination) against a formal body of knowledge. Rather it recognizes that you have received excellent training, accumulated experience and developed networks – and used that knowledge, experience and network to lead successful technology and knowledge transfer projects within the special environment of the research base.

How do I apply to become RTTP or Candidate RTTP?

Please review the Minimum Requirements for RTTP or Candidate RTTP Registration. Then, create an account (email address and password). You will be logged in and RTTP APPLICATION – Page 1 will open. You will be able to type, save and submit your information in one session. Or, you can type and save some initial information, then return to update or complete the application later. Check the box to receive ATTP technology transfer news by e-mail.

Is there a Minimum Timescale to achieve RTTP?

To achieve RTTP status candidates must demonstrate achievement in knowledge and technology transfer between the research base and business and community organizations. This is demonstrated through submitting an Achievement Overview that describes an outcome to which you have personally played a leading role.

The sorts of outcomes described in the Achievement Overview usually unfold over many months. A typical candidate can expect to spend at least three years in the profession learning ‘best practice’ from leading practitioners and undertaking the job of knowledge and technology transfer before being able to submit a successful application for full RTTP status.

Consequently, if candidates have been in the profession for less than three years, yet achieved their RTTP credits through a rapid program of development designed to introduce them to the skills needed to succeed in their career, the panel recommends that they submit an application for the RTTP Candidate Pathway.

What are the minimum requirements to apply for RTTP status?

Please refer here for RTTP information.

What are the minimum requirements to apply for Candidate RTTP status?

Please refer here for Candidate RTTP information.

Which RTTP application should I complete?

Please see RTTP and Candidate RTTP sections for an overview and requirements of each.

Will I be able to put the letters “RTTP” or “Candidate RTTP” after my name?

Yes. Upon RTTP certification, you will have the official title, Registered Technology Transfer Professional (RTTP). You will immediately receive an RTTP e-certificate and subsequently, a hard-copy RTTP certificate. For those submitting for Candidate RTTP, once the application has had been completed and approved, your Candidate RTTP status will be recognized.

What is the cost to apply for RTTP or Candidate RTTP?

The RTTP registration fee is US $300, which covers an initial application and one amended application (if required by the review panel). Candidate RTTP registration fee is US $50.

What are the submission deadlines for applicants?

All upcoming RTTP submission deadlines are published on our homepage

How do I begin the application process?

Information on how to apply for RTTP Status and Candidate RTTP may be found here

How do I navigate the application form?

Use the “Save & Continue” button to progress through the form. Once the form has been saved, you may use the number navigation links to jump to the desired page.

Do I have to complete the application form in one session?

No, you can fill out parts of the form, save your work with the Save / Update buttons, and return to complete the form and/or upload documents later (When returning to the ATTP website, use the Login link. After you supply your username (email address) and password, you’ll be taken straight to the uncompleted RTTP Application. While you are logged in, if you navigate away from the application, you can return to it by using the Become RTTP link and selecting My RTTP Application.

Who will judge my application?

Your application will be judged by your peers — a panel of 3 to 6 senior technology transfer professionals drawn from the founding associations. The diverse makeup of the panel provides expertise and consistency in assessing applications from around the world.

How does the review panel process work?

The review panel members verify information provided by the applicant and independently judge applications using a manual bidding system. After you submit your application, you will receive an email with a link to a page where you can check the status of your application. Successful candidates are notified within four weeks after the next submission deadline. The relevant national association subsequently issues a welcome letter and a hard-copy RTTP certificate.

What evidence is required for my employment in the technology transfer field?

Employment evidence is generally a letter from your employer, copy of pay slip (salary crossed out), and copy of signed part of a contract of employment, or anything that confirms your employment status. The most common is a simple signed letter from your supervisor or line manager.

What evidence is required for Continuing Education (CE) credits?

Your respective Association can confirm your CE credits.

What if my initial application is declined?

If your initial application is not approved, you will receive written feedback from the chair of the Review Panel. If the issue(s) can be resolved with additional documentation, you can amend and resubmit your original application. There is no cost for submitting a second, revised application.

How do you protect my privacy, and how will the information in my application be used?

Your contact, education and employment information is confidential. Judges are bound and will only use details you provide to process your application. Under most circumstances, you do not need to provide confidential details of deals you arranged. If the ATTP office desires to publish a case study you provided for your application — for instructional purposes or to promote RTTP registration — you will be contacted to seek your permission. If you grant approval, this will be confirmed by electronic signature prior to publication. Once your RTTP registration is confirmed, ATTP will publish (also with your prior approval) your name, current job title, employer and country on the list of Current RTTPs. For more information, see our Privacy Policy.

I am a Certified Licensing Professional (CLP). Does that make me automatically eligible for RTTP status?

No, not automatically. CLP examines a quite narrow range of technical and mechanistic skills. It is primarily designed for those operating in a B2B transfer. However, we have great respect for the CLP and will automatically accept CLP as being equivalent to 60 CE points. All that is required in addition is an Achievement Overview showing how you applied these learnings to Technology Transfer from the research base (e.g. academia).

What if I have a sizeable track record but have never taken a tech transfer course?

You will need to show evidence of your experience and demonstrate that you have gained the key skills required to be effective and to perform your role independently, and that you have applied your knowledge and skills to drive and complete KE/TT projects independently.

I am based in a country where the founding associations have no presence—how do I apply?

The easiest way is to become a member of one of the ATTP partner associations. Then you can review the application criteria and if eligible, complete the application process.

How do I become a member of one of the ATTP partner associations?

Please read Join an ATTP Association.

I don’t work in the technology transfer team but I am involved in business development to commercialize research—can I become an RTTP?

We welcome applications from staff in wider roles within technology/ knowledge transfer. The RTTP CE point’s requirement is the same but the Technology Transfer Overview will need to demonstrate an initiative/ project that you have led which has made a significant difference to the success of the team and/or which has engaged external partners in a productive partnership.

Does my registration expire?

RTTP registration earned prior to July 2019 do not expire, and those earned after July 2019 may become subject to an occasional re-registration process. More details will be provided.

What happens if I leave my job?

You retain your RTTP registration. Registration provides evidence of competence and commitment to the profession, thereby enhancing your resume, opening opportunities for career advancement and increasing job mobility.

I lead a team of people who undertake KE/KT/TT. Can I gain RTTP even though my recent experience is in KE/KT/TT leadership rather than leading projects directly?

Yes, your leadership of KE/KT/TT can be taken into account for an application to RTTP. Your experience is recognised as part of the skills section of the application. Also you can use the Achievement Overview to describe your role and the performance of your team.